WSIS is unique in that we focus on academic research and novel implementation strategies, as well as collaboration to:
Communicate to encourage and promote work, particularly from LMICs, to be published in our journal, in order to advance this field of inquiry.
Lead the development first-in-field guidelines, for example on the best practices for source control in the management of complicated intra-abdominal infections, a project spearheaded by Dr. Robert Sawyer.
Implement recommendations, translating academic research to real-world practices through regionally specific programs/projects, projects spearheaded by Chandler Hinson.
Network to promote the vision and goal of WSIS through academic insights at regional and local conferences, spearheaded by leaders within the society including Dr Rob Sawyer and Dr Kemal Rasa.
Educate by taking tools and resources published by high-level organizations like WHO and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the USA, and, in collaboration with local experts and healthcare workers, modifying and providing direction so that they fit into regional or site-specific needs, as and when needed using our range of expertise.
While focusing on all low- and middle-income settings, we have particular experience and expertise within Sub-Saharan Africa.